Through the Canadian Engineering Qualifications Board CEQB (CEQB), Engineers Canada is seeking proposals from firms or individual consultants to develop a Paper on the regulation of emerging disciplines. The project will be developed through a phased, consultation-based approach, with an anticipated completion date of October 1, 2025.

Successful completion of the project will entail three key deliverables, developed with the support of the Engineers Canada staff and in consultation with project interest holders, including the Canadian engineering regulators:  

The development of an outline for an environmental scan, to be reviewed by interest holders and revised according to their recommendations;  

The creation of an environmental scan, to be reviewed by interest holders, and revised according to their recommendations; this is intended to inform Engineers Canada’s strategic direction “Realizing our role in sustainability”.  

Either as part of the scan or a standalone document, a comparative analysis on the impact of climate change on engineering practice in relation to other similar regulated professions.  

Please read the full request for proposals here. If you have any questions about the RFP or submission process, please contact Ryan Melsom, Manager, Qualifications at . All responses to be submitted by 4:00 p.m. ET on March 30, 2025.