What are Substantially Equivalent Programs?

The Engineers Canada Accreditation Board (CEAB) accredits Canadian undergraduate engineering programs that meet or exceed educational standards acceptable for professional engineering registration in Canada. The CEAB evaluates engineering programs offered outside of Canada against its criteria and procedures. Programs that meet the Accreditation Board criteria are deemed “substantially equivalent” to accredited Canadian programs.

Against which criteria and procedures are programs seeking substantial equivalency assessed?

Programs seeking substantial equivalency are assessed against the criteria and procedures of the Engineers Canada Accreditation Board. These are published annually. This document contains information for higher education institutions outside of Canada seeking to offer Substantially Equivalent Programs. It also contains a list of all programs that have, or have received, substantially equivalent status.

See the list of substantially equivalent programs, and read the procedures for substantial equivalence, and the current accreditation criteria.

Resources for higher educations institutions and visiting teams participating in the 2021-2022 Substantially Equivalent cycle.