Before booking accommodations, please register for the event by filling out this form.
Meeting attendees are responsible for making their own travel arrangements.
Hotel reservations
Hotel reservations may be made online with the Pillar and Post Inn & Spa or by calling the dedicated reservations line at 1-888-669-5566 using the group code “Engineers Canada”. All reservations must be made by 5PM ET on May 1, 2023. If you would like to travel outside of these dates at your own expense, you may coordinate this directly with the hotel.
Please contact Julie Sendrowicz, Planning, Event, and Change Practitioner, if you have questions about accommodations or extending your stay. Julie can be reached at or 613.232.2474 ext. 251.
Travel reservations
Engineers Canada has appointed Air Canada as the official airline for the 2023 Board Strategic Workshop. Please use the promotion code KRH7KBF1 to book your flight at Enter the promotion code before selecting “search”.
For those whose travel expenses are compensated by Engineers Canada, please purchase the lowest economy class that is refundable and allows for 1 checked luggage for all airfare or rail bookings (i.e., Air Canada flex fare). For information on what health and safety measures Air Canada has put in place throughout your travel with them from check-in, through boarding, and on board the aircraft, refer to their portal Travel Ready.
If you are registered in the Air Canada Corporate Rewards program, log in to the Air Canada Corporate Rewards program and enter the promotion code.
Aeroplan members will still accumulate Aeroplan miles when using the group rate.
If you haven’t already registered and would like to participate in the Air Canada Corporate Rewards program, please contact Marie-Thérèse Robinson, Associate, Member Services, at or 613.232.2474, ext. 205. More information about the Corporate Rewards program is available on the Air Canada website.