Earlier this month, we launched a section of our website for Accountability in Accreditation. Within this section you’ll find information about:

  • The Accountability in Accreditation Evaluation Strategy
  • Program logic model
  • The evaluation cycle
  • Sample surveys

These resources will ensure stakeholders in the accreditation process have the information and background to be able to participate in the Accountability in Accreditation process, including evaluation surveys and access to the findings.

In 2019, the CEAB struck the Accountability in Accreditation Committee to continually assess the transparency and effectiveness of the CEAB accreditation system. The Accountability in Accreditation Evaluation Strategy engages stakeholders to inform the systematic improvement of the accreditation system. Through annual data collection and reporting, the CEAB will make evidence-informed improvements to the system on an ongoing basis.

If you have any feedback on this content, or questions about the Accountability in Accreditation program, please contact us at accreditation@engineerscanada.ca.