The education of world-class engineers requires a world-class accreditation system. To have that, you need systematic training for the people involved, strong lines of communication among interest holders, a strategy for continual improvement, and a sound technical platform. Having an accreditation program with these features allows both institutions and accreditation visitors to put their focus where it should be: on maintaining reputable programs that meet the highest standards.

Engineers Canada recognizes that accreditation is a demanding task for all involved and is committed to continual improvements in its own accreditation program.  Accrediting a program will always take time, but Engineers Canada is dedicated to increasing the value of how that time is spent.

The four elements of Engineers Canada’s continual improvement efforts in accreditation

Improving the management of the existing accreditation system requires us to move on four interrelated fronts:

  • Our interest holder communication and consultation process ensures that the accreditation system is transparent and open to the input of those to whom it matters most.
    • To stay up to date on our work, we encourage you to sign up for Accreditation Matters, our monthly newsletter
  • Our training program improves consistency across accreditation visits by providing volunteers and educators the information they need in a timely and repeatable way.
    • Please email for more information on the training available to interest holders in the accreditation system.
  • Our data management system ensures that the technical side of accreditation supports all users through the accreditation cycle.
  • Our continual improvement efforts ensure that the accreditation system stays responsive to the evolving needs of Canada’s engineering profession.

What we envision

We envision a system where programs seeking accreditation benefit from streamlined data entry. They will be provided with straightforward training. There will be inclusive, transparent processes for training, communication and continual improvement. In this same system, accreditation visitors and Accreditation Board members are empowered to focus their efforts on providing meaningful, rigorous evaluation because they are equipped with a clear picture of how the accreditation process works and have reliable technical tools to support their work. Ultimately, we see a collaborative system that continually improves the rigour and reputation of Canadian engineering education programs and the engineering profession at large.