In November, the 2018 accreditation visit cycle got into full swing, with numerous team visits to HEIs across Canada. Now that the visits are complete, accreditation teams will finalize their reports of the on-site visits. Once those reports are complete, they will go through a thorough review by Accreditation Board executive members to ensure that findings are consistent with the criteria, contain logical evidence-conclusion relationships and are based on evidence. The review will also seek to ensure that all criteria have been properly evaluated. Once those reviews are complete the secretariat will send the reports to the deans, many of which will begin receiving the reports in the new year. As always, deans will have the opportunity to respond to reports and correct any errors in fact. Notably, while there is still much work to be done in the Accreditation Improvement Program, this year’s visit cycle included initial improvements to volunteer training and the introduction of continual improvement measures. In the coming months, we will be reaching out to institutions that received visits to gauge the effectiveness of these changes and identify potential future improvements. |