Optional Addendum to the 2023/2024 Questionnaire

As programs prepare to host visiting teams in the 2023/2024 visit cycle, the CEAB wishes to inform you about a new policy that might influence your preparations.

To resolve accreditation barriers to students going on international exchange, a time-limited and situation-limited exception to the CEAB accreditation criteria and policies was approved by the Engineers Canada Board on February 23, 2023 

Programs hosting visits in the 2023/2024 cycle that wish to incorporate the new policy into their operations are required to submit to the visiting team, with their Questionnaire submission:

  • The Home Institution’s processes and procedures as required by section 7.1 of the Temporary Exemption for Students Going on International Exchange.
  • A description of the review process, including an indication of the person(s) responsible for signing off on Learning Activities and/or program equivalencies for the granting of transfer credits obtained on an International Exchange.
  • Up to three examples of relevant documentation to demonstrate the review process.

The responsible individual(s) must be prepared to describe and discuss the review process during the accreditation visit.

The newly approved policy will be reflected in the 2023 CEAB Accreditation Criteria Procedures as Appendix 18 and the 2024/2025 Questionnaire will require programs subject to the policy to provide the documentation as per the Policy. These documents will be available in the fall of 2023.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Mya Warken, Manager, Accreditation and CEAB Secretary (mya.warken@engineerscanada.ca) or to Elise Guest, Assistant Manager, Accreditation (elise.guest@engineerscanada.ca) at any time.