Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS)

Terrance Fonstad, FEC, P.Eng., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Ashley I. Forbes, FEC, P.Eng., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Rick Forbes, FEC, P.Eng., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Sandra J. Foster, FEC (Hon.), P.Geo., Fellow of Engineers Canada (Hon.)
Reza Fotouhi, FEC, P.Eng., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Ken From, FEC, P.Eng., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Jeremy E. Gabel, FEC, P.Eng., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Dwayne Gelowitz, FEC, P.Eng., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Donald H. George, FEC, P.Eng., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Jon Gillies, FEC, P.Eng., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Grant T. Gingara, FEC, P.Eng., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Catherine Griffith, FEC, P.Eng., Fellow of Engineers Canada
R. Grant Guenther, FEC, P.Eng., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Fran Haidl, FEC (Hon.), P.Geo., Fellow of Engineers Canada (Hon.)
Steve Halabura, FEC (Hon.), P.Geo., Fellow of Engineers Canada (Hon.)
David Halliday, FEC, P.Eng., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Larry Hein, FEC, P.Eng., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Jerry Helfrich, FEC, P.Eng., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Myron Herasymuik, FEC, P.Eng., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Edwin J. Hinz, FEC, P.Eng., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Margaret Anne E. Hodges, FEC, P.Eng., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Dan Hogan, FEC, P.Eng., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Stormy Holmes, FEC, P.Eng., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Kevin Hudson, FEC, P.Eng., Fellow of Engineers Canada
David C. Hunchak, FEC, P.Eng., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Glenn C. Hussey, FEC, P.Eng, Fellow of Engineers Canada
James Hutch, FEC, P.Eng., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Trodhie S. Irlandez, FEC, P.Eng., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Peter J. Jackson, FEC, P.Eng., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Mehrnoosh Janbakhsh, FEC, P.Eng., Fellow of Engineers Canada
