Nominations are currently closed. The nomination period for the upcoming year will open in the fall of 2025.

The TD Insurance Meloche Monnex Scholarship program offers three scholarships of $7,500 each annually to provide financial assistance to engineers returning to university for further study or research in a field other than engineering. Candidates must be accepted or registered full-time in a Faculty other than Engineering. The field of study chosen should favour the acquisition of knowledge pertinent to enhancing the performance of the candidate in the engineering profession.

Applicants may only apply in one scholarship category per year.

There will be no geographical allocation of the scholarships.


  • Be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada.
  • Be registered in good standing as an engineer or acceptable limited licence holder with one of Canada’s engineering regulators. See our eligibility table for further details.
  • Accepted or registered for a minimum of two full-time semesters between September 2025 and August 2026.
  • Not a post-doctoral fellow.
  • Have not previously received this scholarship or the Engineers Canada-Manulife Scholarship.

No restrictions will be placed on scholarship recipients holding other grants or awards or receiving assistance or income from other sources.

Selection criteria

To be considered, nomination packages must be submitted in full, on time, and not exceeding character, word, or page limits. Late or incomplete nomination packages will not be considered. Content in excess of the character, word, or page limit will not be considered.

Candidates must show how the degree undertaken fulfills the stated purpose of the scholarship. The Engineers Canada Awards Committee will assess each nomination on the basis of:

Academic achievements (15 points)

Nominees shall be required to submit a copy of their academic transcripts for assessment by Engineers Canada.

Impact and benefit of your area of study (30 points)

Your submission should describe the problem your research/studies will address, and the intended impact and benefit of this work.

Previous experience (25 points)

Your submission should describe how your past experiences in your studies, employment, and professional and community involvement will contribute to the success of your research/studies.

Motivation (30 points)

Your submission should describe your motivation for pursuing this research and/or course of studies.


  • The scholarship is tenable for the entire (full-time) academic year following receipt of the scholarship in October 2024.
  • The university or institution you selected can be located in Canada or abroad.

How to apply

The nomination form must be completed online in a single session (you cannot save your work and come back to it later). It is strongly recommended to read the nomination form entirely before you begin to ensure you have all necessary information and documents ready. In addition to completing the form, required documents include:

  • Electronic copies of your transcripts of all your academic records (completed or in process of completion).
  • Two letters of support - Each letter should provide evidence and validation of the contributions described in the nomination package. (2 pages maximum per letter)


All applicants, successful or otherwise, will receive written notification of the Awards Committee’s decisions by August.

If you are successful

  • Details of your scholarship will be outlined in the notification letter.
  • The awarding and payment of the scholarship is subject to receipt of written confirmation of enrollment from the university where you are attending or will be attending.