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2025 Capstone Design Symposium

Welcome to the 2025 Capstone Design Symposium at the University of Waterloo! Throughout the academic year, teams of students have collaborated to tackle real-world challenges, applying their knowledge and creativity to engineer solutions that make a difference. From cutting-edge technology to sustainable designs, our students have pushed the boundaries of engineering excellence.

We invite you to come and witness the culmination of their hard work and dedication at this year's symposium. Engage with our students, explore their projects, and discover the impact of their innovative solutions. Whether you're an industry professional, a faculty member, or simply curious about the forefront of engineering innovation, there's something for everyone at the Capstone Design Symposium.

Don't miss this opportunity to be inspired and impressed by the next generation of engineering leaders. Join us and check out this year's projects!

Organizer: University of Waterloo

Event language: English

Time: All day

Format: Virtual

Region: Ontario

Link to event


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