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Kaster-Marcoux Pecha Kucha Showcase

This event will invite teams of 3-4 students to consider challenge related to the triple planetary crisis (climate change, loss of nature, pollution) and how their field of engineering can contribute to a solution. The emphasis will be on “engineers finding real solutions to real problems without creating future problems”. They will present their challenge and solution via a Pecha Kucha style presentation. Pecha Kucha is a fun, short presentation style (20 slides, 20 seconds per slide, all done in 6:40) that's used to quickly share interesting ideas.

About the Kastner-Marcoux Fund:

Established in 2023, the Kastner-Marcoux Fund supports engineering students in finding solutions to pressing environmental and societal challenges through collaboration, critical thinking, and evidence-based approaches. It aims to create the next generation of engineers who practice with sustainability at the core of what they do, finding real solutions to real problems without creating future problems.

Organizer: University of New Brunswick

Event language: English

Time: 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM EST

Format: In-person

Region: New Brunswick

Link to event


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