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Mentorship Night: Develop Your Career-Ready Skills

A Mentorship Night is for women students to participate in a roundtable mentorship opportunity with working professionals form leading engineering and IT companies. You will learn how to recognize and manage imposter syndrome and learn workplace etiquette in modern organizations.

Who can attend the event?

We encourage women from all backgrounds and identities to join this Mentorship Night, especially women students in a Carleton University Bachelor, Master’s or Doctoral program, of: engineering, IT, applied science, computer science, mathematics, or physics. We are committed to creating spaces that are welcoming and supportive to women of all backgrounds, intersecting identities, and experiences – including racialized women, women with disabilities, Indigenous women, etc.

Organizer: Carleton University

Event language: English

Time: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM EST

Format: In-person

Region: Ontario

Link to event


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