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Sweat & Sip Spin Class

“We don’t spin. We ride.” From a perfectly curated playlist to the theatrical lighting and sound system, this class is truly a party on a bike. Beat classes feature high-intensity cardio, rhythm-based choreography and upper-body weights. This full-body workout will take you on a physical and emotional journey. PLEASE NOTE: This class may involve flashing lights, if you have a medical condition or aversion to flashing lights please let our staff know!

Hosted by the Emerging Professionals committee. The class will be followed by light refreshments.

Important Reminder: To ensure a smooth experience for everyone, participants are kindly asked to arrive on time. Late arrivals will not be permitted to join the class after it begins, so please aim to be seated and ready no later than 5 minutes after the class start time.

Organizer: Engineers Nova Scotia

Event language: English

Time: 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM AST

Format: In-person

Region: Nova Scotia

Link to event


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