Early-bird registration for Engineers Canada 2025 30 by 30 Conference: Solutions and accountability towards an inclusive engineering profession, ends on Monday, March 31. With thought-provoking presentations, interactive workshops, engaging networking activities, and a keynote from two-time Olympian Karina LeBlanc, this year's conference promises to leave you inspired, and with concrete solutions, to continue advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion in engineering. Register now on the conference website

Featured speakers 

Join Engineers Canada, along with co-host Engineers and Geoscientists BC and local partner ACEC-BC, in Vancouver, BC, on May 21 to hear from these equity, diversity, and inclusion and engineering experts:

Portrait of Karina

Karina LeBlanc, C.M. 
Two-time Olympian 
President and General Manager, Portland Thorns

A passionate advocate for inclusion, diversity, and humanitarianism, Karina will speak on race, diversity and inclusion from her own experiences. Learn more >

Portrait of Emily

Emily Nichols, B.Sc.(Eng), M.A.Sc.(Eng), P.Eng. 
President, Connect Better

Emily will serve as the day's emcee. A profession engineer, Emily works with organizations that want to strengthen the human skills we (still!) need in an increasingly technical world. Learn more >

Portrait of Sarah

Dr. Sarah Saska 
Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Feminuity

Sarah and her Feminuity colleague Steph Rebello will lead attendees through a workshop entitled, "Re-imagining Engineering: Amplifying Early Career Voices for Inclusive Change." Learn more >

Portrait of Marcie

Marcie Cochrane, MBA, P.Eng. 
Inclusion Strategist, Advance Principle

Marcie, along with PRA Inc.'s François Dumaine and Susanna Beaudin, will lead an afternoon breakout session entitled, "Gender Representation: The Obstacles and Opportunities for Data Collection." Learn more >

Portrait of Francois

François Dumaine 
Partner, PRA Inc.

François and his PRA Inc. colleague Susanna Beaudin will join Marcie for the afternoon breakout session, "Gender Representation: The Obstacles and Opportunities for Data Collection." Learn more > 

Portrait of Hilary

Dr. Hilary Curry 
Expert in Organizational Development (Effectiveness), Behavioural Change, Culture, and Transformation

A LEGO Serious Play facilitator, Hilary will lead attendees through a workshop entitled, "Engineering System Change for Gender Equity: Strategies for Lasting Impact." Learn more > 

Portrait of Heidi

Heidi Yang, FEC, FGC (Hon.), P.Eng. 
CEO, Engineers and Geoscientists BC

Heidi will join Engineers Canada CEO Philip Rizcallah for a fireside chat entitled, "30 by 30: What's Next?" 
Learn more > 

View the full conference agenda, speaker bios, and registration information on the conference website