Engineers Canada has issued a request for proposals (RFP) for organizations to assume responsibility for Engineers Canada’s Infrastructure Resilience Professional (IRP) program. A summary of questions and answers submitted to Engineers Canada about the RFP is now available.

Engineers Canada has issued a request for proposals (RFP) for organizations to assume responsibility for Engineers Canada’s Infrastructure Resilience Professional (IRP) program. Organizations have until Friday, June 28, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. ET to submit their proposals.
The Engineers Canada Board has mandated the divestment of the IRP program. Engineers Canada is not seeking financial compensation for this divestment, but rather a commitment of the assuming organization to invest time and resources to ensure the Program is sustained and becomes a preferred credential or certification sought out by engineers and other professionals. The Program will be transferred in its entirety in accordance with conditions to be negotiated between Engineers Canada and the winning proponent.
Engineers Canada previously issued a Request for Expressions of Interest (REOI) for organizations wishing to undertake responsibility for its Public Infrastructure Engineering Vulnerability Committee (PIEVC) Protocol. Those organizations who responded to the REOI have received an RFP for the PIEVC Protocol that has the same deadline as this IRP RFP. Engineers Canada is open to organizations who may wish to assume responsibility for both programs.
Read more about the IRP program and the RFP requirements in the full RFP.
Engineers Canada will hold an information webinar on this RFP on Tuesday, May 14, 2019, at 1:00 p.m. ET. This will also be an opportunity to ask questions and receive answers about the IRP program and the RFP.
Register for the webinar here. The webinar will be conducted in English.
If possible, please submit questions in writing in advance of the webinar so we are better prepared to provide answers during the session. Questions may be submitted to david.lapp@engineerscanada.ca. This does not preclude further questions being asked during the session. Questions may also be submitted in writing after the webinar, and the question (without identifying the person/organization who asked) and answer will be provided to all webinar attendees. Questions submitted in writing before or after the webinar will be answered in both English and French.
Update – May 29, 2019
The May 14, 2019 IRP Request for Proposal Briefing presentation is now accessible here.
Update - June 21, 2019
A summary of questions and answers submitted to Engineers Canada about the RFP is available here.
Update – June 26, 2019: Deadline for RFP submissions extended
In order to accommodate a request that Engineers Canada provide the criteria upon which the RFP submissions will be evaluated, Engineers Canada is extending the deadline for submissions to July 12, 2019, at 5:00 p.m. ET. The evaluation criteria will be made available on July 4.
Update – July 4, 2019
The process and criteria that Engineers Canada will use to evaluate the proposals submitted as part of this RFP are now available here. These criteria are only available in English. Those organizations who would like to receive a French version of the criteria have until July 5, 2019, at noon to request a translation by emailing David.Lapp@engineerscanada.ca. The translation would be made available by Tuesday, July 9, 2019, at 4:00 p.m. ET.
Update – July 8, 2019
Additional questions were received about this RFP, and answers have been provided here.
Update – July 10, 2019
A draft syllabus on a Climate Science for Engineers course is now available for consideration by prospective bidders here. This draft syllabus is only available in English.