Over the past weeks, Engineers Canada has submitted comments and recommendations to the federal government on a range of issues that impact the engineering profession, including immigration, environmental assessment processes and the modernization of the National Energy Board.

Over the past weeks, Engineers Canada has submitted comments and recommendations to the federal government on a range of issues that impact the engineering profession, including immigration, environmental assessment processes and the modernization of the National Energy Board.


As part of its consultation process, the federal government was seeking comments on the future of immigration in Canada. Engineers Canada submitted comments and recommendations that stressed the value that newcomers to Canada bring to Canadian workplaces and to the Canadian economy, and the positive impact they can have on diversity and innovation.

Among its many recommendations, Engineers Canada strongly urged the government to improve services that prospective newcomers can use before they arrive in Canada and that would greatly improve their ability to quickly and easily have their qualifications and experience recognized in Canada, and that would ease the transition to joining the Canadian workforce.

Environmental Assessment Processes

In its comments on the draft Terms of Reference for the Expert Panel on Environmental Assessment Processes, Engineers Canada stressed the importance of including engineers on the Expert Panel as they are uniquely qualified and many have expertise in the energy sector and in environmental assessments to provide unbiased and evidence-based advice.

National Energy Board modernization

Similarly, in its comments on the draft Terms of Reference for the Expert Panel on the modernization of the National Energy Board, Engineers Canada again stressed that engineers should be included on the panel. In its suggestions, Engineers Canada also noted the importance of defining the role that the panel and its decisions will play in Canada’s transition to a low-carbon economy.

The full submission documents can be found on Engineers Canada Government Submissions page. Engineers Canada’s Government Relations and Public Policy team regularly submits comments and recommendations to government to ensure that the engineering perspective is considered in making decisions that affect all Canadians.