Engineers Canada and Polytechnique Montréal have once again teamed up to offer the third edition of their successful free online course, Sustainability in Practice. Registration is now open.

Engineers Canada and Polytechnique Montréal have once again teamed up to offer the third edition of their successful free online course, Sustainability in Practice. Registration is now open.

The massive open online course uses real-life case studies from across Canada to demonstrate the practical application of Engineers Canada’s 10 guidelines on sustainable development and environmental stewardship for engineers. The course is delivered in four modules and is offered in both English and French.

“Hearing from professionals from several sectors and regions enriched the presentations and gave us practical examples of how the concepts can be applied,” said Renato Ferreira of Montreal, QC, who participated in the second edition of the course in spring 2019.

Varinder Mittal of Regina, SK, agreed, saying that “the case studies give an opportunity to learn about the adoption of environmental and social concerns in practice. It was a [great] learning experience.”

More than 3,200 individuals have enrolled in the course since the first edition was launched in October 2018. Engineers and EITs from every province and territory in Canada have participated, and about a third of registrants have been from countries abroad. Course participants have spanned a wide range of economic sectors and industries.

“As a consulting engineer, I found many useful examples where I can help make a difference in my own work,” said April Waddell of Ottawa, ON, who took the first edition of the course in fall 2018.

Paul Lusina of Vancouver, BC, likewise found that “the MOOC provide[d] a sound introduction to sustainability concepts, which can be readily adapted to teaching modules for undergraduate engineering programs.”

Ibrahim Olutayo Adenij of Ottawa, ON, similarly said that the value of the course could expand beyond engineers, saying that it was “a good learning experience not only for engineers, but also practitioners of other professions.”

Participants of the first two editions of the course have been engineers and non-engineers alike, and have worked in consulting engineering, government, education, construction, manufacturing, education, oil and gas, renewable resources, utilities, mining, and non-governmental organizations.

After both previous editions of the course, an overwhelming majority of participants have attested to the high quality of the training content and agreed that what they learned would be useful to them in their professional and personal life. More than 95 per cent of participants have said that they would recommend the course to a colleague or friend.

The third edition of Sustainability in Practice begins October 16, 2019. Participants have until December 13, 2019, to complete the online course at their own pace. Registration closes on November 12, 2019. An optional Certificate of Completion is available following successful completion of the course at a cost of $75 CAN.

Register today for Sustainability in Practice on the EduLib website.