This year the first of our regulators will be celebrating their centenaries, marking 100 years of self-regulation of the engineering profession in Canada. In 1920, the first six provincial regulators were formed in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Quebec. Their original aim was to establish a legal status for the profession of engineering in their respective jurisdictions.

a cake with candles showing 100This year the first of our regulators will be celebrating their centenaries, marking 100 years of self-regulation of the engineering profession in Canada.  In 1920, the first six provincial regulators were formed in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Quebec. Their original aim was to establish a legal status for the profession of engineering in their respective jurisdictions.

As Gerard McDonald, CEO for Engineers Canada, notes, “One hundred years ago Canada was in its nascence, and our engineering forefathers realized that in order to develop this great country, we needed a profession founded on ethics, competence and protection of the public interest.”

The original six regulators were soon after joined by Ontario and Saskatchewan and went on to form a national association in 1936, known at the time as the Dominion Council of Professional Engineers and today as Engineers Canada. At the time, regulators felt that this national body would provide a forum to discuss how their respective legislation could be brought into greater harmony. Other regulators were to follow in joining the council in the coming decades.

In McDonald’s view, engineering has arguably been the greatest contributor to almost every aspect of our growth as a country. “It has brought us closer together,” he says, “improving communication, expanding our horizons, and protecting public safety and the environment. 

“Its only fitting that this century of remarkable achievement be celebrated and that we look towards the next hundred years of innovation, discovery, and sustainable development.”

Throughout the year, we’ll be looking at what each regulator is doing to celebrate and sharing details about how members of celebrating associations can participate. We’re also putting together a web resource so you can keep track of all the goings-on in one place. Stay tuned for more in the coming months!