The Summit will engage participants in discussion on the process of assessing Graduate Attributes (GAs) via rubrics and managing GA data collection. We will start the day with an overview of lessons learned from our recent data collection journey (moving from Excel sheets and Workbooks submitted via email to a custom online web-based platform that incorporates program mapping).

The 2019 Western Graduate Attribute/Continual Improvement Process Summit will be hosted by the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) in Burnaby, British Columbia on Tuesday, May 28, 2019.

The Summit will engage participants in discussion on the process of assessing Graduate Attributes (GAs) via rubrics and managing GA data collection.  We will start the day with an overview of lessons learned from our recent data collection journey (moving from Excel sheets and Workbooks submitted via email to a custom online web-based platform that incorporates program mapping).  By end of day, participants will have at minimum a rubric template for each of the higher numbered GAs at the I/D/A levels, co-created via facilitated group discussions. We ask attendees to bring along their sample rubrics if they have them, as well as be ready to discuss successes and challenges of assessing GAs via rubrics. Prior to participation, please reflect on the place and purpose of rubrics for GA measurement within your program and institution.  Representatives from Engineering Schools in Western Canada and beyond are invited to attend. There will be online participation for the morning session, and we are working towards online participation for the afternoon session (to be confirmed once we have breakout groups established). To register and/or for more information, please contact Nadia Mallay