Purpose and content of the guideline

The duty to report is a legal, professional or ethical obligation or expectation to report the conduct, activities, or behaviour or professional practice of another person or group of persons in order to protect or prevent harm to the public or the environment. This duty is a fundamental responsibility of all engineering registrants* in Canada as part of their licenses to practice.  

This guideline is intended to provide assistance to engineers, engineering firms and other registrants (collectively, “registrants”) and seeks to help registrants connect their professional and ethical duties with reporting conduct and behaviour. Conduct or behaviour may warrant reporting if it is unethical, illegal, demonstrates a risk to the public and/or more generally, is contrary to the values embedded in the Codes of Ethics in each provincial and territorial jurisdiction and the Engineers Canada Code of Ethics.  

This guideline is also intended to serve as a tool for the provincial and territorial regulators of the engineering profession in Canada (collectively the “regulators”) to help them enhance, adopt or implement best practices with respect to the duty to report, and regulate their registrants accordingly.