We've received questions on the relationship between the AU Task Force, Accreditation Improvement Program, and day-to-day business of accrediting programs.

AU Task Force: This group was established by the Executive Committee of the Accreditation Board. It includes representation from the AB, NCDEAS, and the engineering regulators. It is intended to explore how the AU approach can continue to be relevant for current education approaches. Any changes that occur would be policy decisions that modify accreditation criteria. In such a case, changes to criteria would be recommended by the Accreditation Board to the Engineers Canada Board for approval.

Accreditation Improvement Program: The Accreditation Improvement Program is focused on the operational improvements to accreditation through sourcing and implementation of an accreditation technology system, consultation and communication with stakeholders, enhancing training, and enhancing continual improvement processes that can adapt to changes in criteria or other shifts in the landscape of accreditation. Engineers Canada staff lead this work.

Day-to-day accreditation of engineering program: As the AU Task Force and AIP team progress on their efforts, the process of accrediting programs and supporting HEIs through their accreditation cycle continues as usual. The AB is accountable for this work and it is operationalized by Engineers Canada staff.