As part of the AIP, we have identified accreditation improvements suggested by stakeholders that can be easily implemented with a sizable benefit. Based on this analysis, several such improvements have either been completed or are currently underway.

HEIs have indicated that it is difficult to follow the changes in the criteria book from year-to-year. They asked for a public, historical record of changes made to the book so that they can more easily monitor the criteria and procedures to which they must show compliance.

The 2018 CEAB Accreditation Criteria and Procedures now includes a change log.

Intended benefit
This will improve the visibility of changes made year over year. HEI administrators using the previous accreditation information will be able to bring themselves up to speed more effectively.

There is confusion in understanding which documents are for the 2018-2019 cycle versus the 2019-2020 cycle.

We’ve improved the organization of the “Accreditation resources” web page.

Intended benefit
Increased clarity about which documents to use as you prepare for your visit.

In the accreditation Criteria & Procedures document not all bookmark links were effective. 

All links were fixed.

Intended benefit
It will now be easier to navigate the accreditation criteria and procedure document.

Some HEIs are unclear as to which findings in the visiting team report require a response.

We have clarified the instructions for responses that are sent along with the visiting team report.

The HEIs will have better clarity on where to focus their efforts in responding to the visiting team report.

As we proceed with the AIP, we will continue to provide updates on further improvements via our monthly AIP Update.