It is time to start planning for the 2020 Enrolment and Degrees Awarded Survey (which captures data from 2019). Like last year, we will be using our new data management system, Tandem, to collect data from participating institutions. We heard from institutions that the timelines we used in 2019 were preferred over previous years and therefore, below you will find the preliminary milestones for the 2020 Enrolment and Degrees Awarded survey:

  1. Request contact information for individuals who will enter the survey data from Deans – February 2020 
  2. Training for HEIs – April 2020 (as required)
  3. Data Entry by HEIs– May and June 2020 
  4. Data validation by HEIs and analysis by Engineers Canada – July to August 2020 
  5. Preparation and distribution of Resources Report to Deans – September to October 2020 
  6. Preparation of Enrolment and Degrees Awarded Report by Engineers Canada – November to December 2020 
  7. Publication of the Enrolment and Degrees Awarded Report on the Engineers Canada website – December 2020

A request for contact information, for all Tandem users for the survey, should have been received by your Dean at the start of this month. We thank all those that have responded with this information already and if you believe your Dean still needs to provide this information please email as soon as possible.