Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ)

Diane Riopel, FIC, ing., Fellow of Engineers Canada
André P. Robert, FIC, ing., Fellow of Engineers Canada
René Rochette, FIC, ing., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Élie Saheb, FIC, ing., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Guy Saint-Pierre, FIC, ing., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Alain Saladzius, FIC, ing., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Gaétan Samson, FIC, ing., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Robert Sauvé, FIC, ing., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Houssem Sfaxi, FIC, ing., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Benoît Songa, FIC, ing., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Gabriel Soudry, FIC, ing., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Hubert Stéphenne, FIC, ing., Fellow of Engineers Canada
N. Gilles Tanguay, FIC, ing., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Charles R. Terreault, FIC, ing., Fellow of Engineers Canada
René Therrien, FIC, ing, Fellow
Michèle Thibodeau-DeGuire, FIC, ing., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Louis Tremblay, FIC, ing., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Gérard Trépanier, FIC, ing., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Nicolas Turgeon, FEC, ing., Fellow of Engineers Canada
France Vallée, FIC, ing., Fellow of Engineers Canada
John W. van den Bosch, FIC, ing., Fellow of Engineers Canada
A. Karel Velan, FIC, ing., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Danielle W. Zaïkoff, FIC, ing., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Sid Zerbo, FIC, ing., Fellow of Engineers Canada

Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia

Armando Abello , FEC, P.Eng., Fellow
Narayan S. Abhyankar, FEC, P.Eng., P.Geo., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Sean Abram, FEC, P.Eng., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Paul T.B. Adams, FEC, P.Eng., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Robert Affleck, FEC, P.Eng., Fellow of Engineers Canada
Mohammad Afsar, FEC, P.Eng., Fellow of Engineers Canada
