If you are organizing an event for National Engineering Month and would like to see it listed in the National Engineering Month national event calendar, please fill out the form below for Engineers Canada’s consideration. Information below should be provided in the language in which the event will take place. The event listing will be posted only in that language.


Type of organization
Event information
Target audience
Event location
In-person event location
One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png.
By submitting your event to Engineers Canada for inclusion in the National Engineering Month national event calendar, you are agreeing to provide information following your event to Engineers Canada for the purposes of evaluating the National Engineering Month campaign. This includes the number of participants who attended your event. Your event data will be aggregated with other events from across the country and presented once the month has concluded as part of Engineers Canada’s reporting on how many people were reached during the campaign.