Engineers Canada has released its 2020 National Membership Report, which gathers information on the growth and composition of the engineering profession in Canada.

Engineers Canada has released its 2020 National Membership Report. The annual report gathers information on the provincial and territorial engineering regulators’ membership, providing information about the growth and composition of the engineering profession in Canada. This year’s report presents data from the 2019 calendar year and indicates continued growth of the profession.
Total membership in the provincial and territorial regulators grew to 305,285, a 0.8 per cent increase over 2018 numbers. The largest increase in membership numbers were seen in British Columbia and Ontario.
Women’s membership in the profession grew by 4.16 per cent, with the largest increase coming in British Columbia, which saw an increase of 706 members who are women from 2018 to 2019. While the number of women in the profession is growing, they still remain underrepresented, accounting for 14 per cent of engineers, up from 13.5 per cent in the last report.
The National Membership Report also provides a yearly measure of progress against Engineers Canada’s 30 by 30 goal, which aims to see 30 per cent of newly licensed engineers be women by the year 2030. This year’s report finds that 17.9 per cent of newly licensed engineers in 2019 were women although the total number of newly licensed women has increased.
The National Membership Report also makes an estimation of the national conversion from engineering graduate to professional engineer. Using data from Engineers Canada’s 2015 “Engineers of Tomorrow” Report, and assuming that it takes a graduate from an accredited program four years to obtain their licence to practice, the report estimates that those 2015 graduates would have obtained their licence in 2019 and would be captured in this year’s membership report data. The report estimates that 42 per cent of the 2015 cohort proceeded along the path to licensure. Although this is an estimation, it is an attempt to measure the successful continuation of engineering students along their pathway to licensure.
The report is available on the Engineers Canada website.