The CEQB is seeking one member-at-large, who will contribute to the CEQB’s ongoing work in developing and reviewing national guidelines and examination syllabi.
The Canadian Engineering Qualifications Board (CEQB) is seeking one member-at-large, who will collaborate on the CEQB’s ongoing work to provide and maintain guidelines and qualifications tools that support the effective regulation of engineering in Canada. This volunteer position requires an active, long-term commitment (minimum of three years) and a passion for advancing the Canadian engineering profession. Ideal candidates will bring a combination of substantial career experience, diverse perspectives, and knowledge of key issues affecting the profession and its regulation. The CEQB seeks to maintain a diverse blend of applicants from academia, industry, and the public sector.
Being a part of the Canadian Engineering Qualifications Board provides a unique opportunity to contribute to policies and tools that influence the current state and the future of the Canadian engineering profession. In the role, you will collaborate with leaders of the engineering profession from across the country. You will also have the opportunity to collaborate with engineering regulators and the Engineers Canada Board on developing the direction that CEQB work takes. In 2023, for example, CEQB projects will include:
- A new guideline on fitness to practice
- A new guideline on the duty to report
- A new Engineers Canada paper on the regulation of emerging disciplines
Work will also proceed on refreshing existing guidelines and reviewing several engineering syllabi, which are used to assess the qualifications of applicants for licensure.
CEQB Mandate
The Qualifications Board supports the Engineers Canada Board on matters pertaining to qualifications and practice of engineering through several main activities:
- Developing new national guidelines on engineering qualifications and practice issues
- Developing examination syllabi to assist regulators in the assessment of applicants for licensure
- Maintaining a wide range of existing public/regulator guidelines and examination syllabi
- Providing a national perspective on issues impacting engineering
CEQB Structure
The CEQB reports to the Engineer Canada Board, and is supported by standing committees made up primarily of CEQB members and regulator representatives:
- Admission Issues Committee
- Continuing Competence Committee
- Engineer-in-Training Committee
- Environment and Sustainability Committee
- Practice Committee
- Syllabus Committee
Task forces are also struck by the CEQB on an as-needed basis to address issues that fall outside of the scope of the standing committee structure. The CEQB is supported by an Executive Committee and Nominations Committee, whose composition is determined by Engineers Canada Board policy.
Skills and qualifications
- Must be licensed to practice engineering in Canada
- Must have a keen interest in learning about all regulators’ mandates and practices and contributing to development of a national stance on key policy issues
- Must have a keen interest in collaborating on national guidelines relating to the regulation of Engineering in Canada
- Experience in participating on a regulator committee is normally expected and experience in chairing committees is desirable
- An ideal candidate will contribute to the behaviours and competencies outlined in Engineers Canada’s Board policy sections on Code of Conduct (4.3) and Board Competencies (4.8)
Engineers Canada is dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusivity in the engineering profession and every effort will be made to reflect the diversity of the membership of the engineering profession. Engineers Canada is committed to Indigenous people’s access to engineering and is also committed to supporting the recruitment, retention, and professional development of women in engineering.
Term of Office
Members of the QB are normally appointed for three years by the Engineers Canada Board, based on recommendations of the Qualifications Board Nominating Committee. Appointments are renewable for up to two consecutive terms (for a total of six years maximum).
Average Time Commitment
The successful candidate will be required to travel (as external circumstances permit) to attend bi-annual CEQB meetings (two full days each), and will also join in regular videoconference meetings (an average of 2-4 hours per month). In preparation for meetings, members are expected to read background documents. Travel and videoconferences occur during both normal business hours and on weekends.
While the position is unpaid, Engineers Canada covers travel expenses for CEQB members and provides exceptional networking opportunities with leaders of the profession.
Applications should include a brief cover letter and cv. Questions and nominations can be sent to Ryan Melsom, Manager, Qualifications and CEQB Secretary, at ryan.melsom@engineerscanada.ca. Applications must be received no later than January 6, 2023.