The BC Council for International Cooperation recently released a guide that answers the question, what can industry and professional associations do to help industry sectors and professionals prepare for climate change?

What can industry and professional associations do to help industry sectors and professionals prepare for climate change?

In early August, the BC Council for International Cooperation (BCCIC) released a Climate Change Guide for Associations, which answers this question and more. The guide contains resources, best practices, and steps associations can pursue to help members respond to the climate crisis and make sure they are future-fit.

It is no secret that COVID-19 is burdening organizations with financial and social stress, including associations. However, as we rebound from the pandemic crisis, there exists an unparalleled opportunity to address another crisis - one which is longer-term and more complex, yet similarly urgent and life-threatening. By integrating climate change strategies into post-COVID recovery measures, associations can improve their sector’s or profession’s long-term resilience, beyond the current crisis.

BCCIC conducted numerous interviews with various associations in developing the guide, including Harshan Radhakrishnan and Tristan Flock of Engineers and Geoscientists BC, and Jeanette Southwood, Vice President, Corporate Affairs and Strategic Partnerships at Engineers Canada.

Learn more about the Guide here: