Black Engineers of Canada (BEC), the community of Canada’s Black engineers and engineering graduates, has launched a new website and virtual career centre, www.blackengineers.ca. The website serves as an informational portal and virtual career centre for Black engineering professionals, engineering graduates, engineering interns and engineering enthusiasts across Canada.
The website was developed with support from Engineers Canada, which has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with BEC.
The BEC community, connected for networking, mentoring, training, opportunities, and growth, has launched the website as part of its initiatives to create more opportunities for Black engineering professionals in Canada, without limitations. The website will grant visitors access to a repository of industry news, monthly newsletters, create opportunities for mentorship programs specifically designed for Black engineers, and provide other career-enhancing services.
Explaining the purpose of the career centre on the website, Yomi Ojutalayo, P.Eng., BEC’s Director of Partnerships said, “We are drivers of change in our industry and we intend to keep evolving because we understand the challenges Black engineers often face with securing employment and internship opportunities. The age-long societal bias against BIPOC individuals has hindered the full potentials of engineering graduates who desire to contribute to the Canadian economy as engineers and engineering leaders. The career centre will unify our expertise and competencies, using them as a competitive advantage to help Canadian businesses and government.”
“We are excited about our new website and the robust industry opportunities it provides for all cadres of engineering professionals. The website is one of our initiatives to support our mission of providing an enabling environment not just for growth but also leadership as we continue to explore pathways to collective excellence for Black engineers and engineering graduates in Canada,” said Iretomiwa Olukiyesi. P.Eng., BEC’s President and Director of Programs and Initiatives.
BEC remains committed to supporting the ongoing 50-30 Challenge launched by the Government of Canada, towards 50 per cent gender parity and a significant representation (30 per cent) of diverse and racialized persons on Canadian boards and senior management. They look forward to engaging all stakeholders that are working towards this goal. BEC provides an opportunity to support Black engineers with the right skills to ensure they are equipped and positioned for these opportunities.
Visit BEC’s new website and career centre at www.blackengineers.ca.