A discipline notice in BC. The threat of tariffs brings urgency to removing interprovincial trade barriers. The aerospace industry in Quebec is recruiting. These were the most read articles in the Daily Media Report in early February.
Discipline notice: A discipline notice from Engineers and Geoscientists BC describes that in a December 19, 2024, Consent Order, Amtinder Singh Badial, P.Eng., admitted that he demonstrated unprofessional conduct in relation to the engineering services he provided for the inspection of a truck-mounted concrete pump.
Interprovincial trade: With the looming threat of tariffs imposed by the United States, Canadian politicians have referred to the urgency around boosting internal trade and removing barriers to interprovincial trade. Those barriers include things like prohibitive restrictions on the sale of alcohol, technical barriers such as vehicle weight standards and regulatory barriers such as licensing and paperwork requirements. Minister of Transport and Internal Trade Anita Anand, and Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre both referenced the importance of internal trade in remarks last week.
Quebec aerospace: The aerospace industry in Quebec is in recruiting mode, with increasing interest from youth in the various jobs available in the industry. This article in La Presse outlines the growth in the industry and the need to fill labor shortages.