A BC engineer’s registration cancelled for negligent and unprofessional conduct. An Ontario man fined for altering drawings bearing an engineer’s seal. A Scotiabank donation to increase diversity in STEM. These were the most-read stories in the Daily Media Report from the end of January and early February.

BC disciplinary notice: A panel of the Discipline Committee of Engineers and Geoscientists BC has ordered Peter Schober’s registration cancelled for demonstrating unprofessional conduct and negligence when he manually changed the lake level data recording device installed at a hydroelectric site to record inaccurate lake levels.

Ontario man fined: The Ontario Court of Justice at Kitchener fined a man $3,500 for altering engineering drawings bearing a professional engineer's seal, and by submitting the same to the City of Cambridge for approval, without the knowledge or consent of the professional engineer.

Scotiabank donation: Scotiabank Canada is contributing more than $1 million to help increase diversity in STEM fields at the University of Waterloo.