A disciplinary notice in Smithers, BC. Updated designations for engineering and geoscience licensees in BC. And mapping the places people have cried on the University of Waterloo campus. These were the most read stories in the Daily Media Report in early February.

Disciplinary notice: The Discipline Committee of Engineers and Geoscientists BC has issued an interim order against Johann Duerichen of Smithers, BC, relating to engineering services Duerichen provided for the construction of Smithers Home Hardware and a residence in Revelstoke, BC.

Updated designations: When the Professional Governance Act and updated Bylaws come into force in BC, the designations of Engineering Licensee (Eng.L.) will become Professional Licensee Engineering (P.L.Eng.) and Geoscience Licensee (Geo.L.) will become Professional Licensee Geoscience (P.L.Geo.).

Crying on campus: Two engineering students at the University of Waterloo are mapping the places people have cried on campus to show that campus crying is a communal experience.