Regulatory news dominated the Daily Media Report in late June. Read on for the most popular stories.

Regulatory news dominated the Daily Media Report in late June with the appointment in BC of the superintendent of the professional governance office, a new disciplinary decision by OIQ, the release of a regulatory review in Ontario, and an Alberta bill aimed at speeding up the credentialing of immigrant professionals.

Professional governance in BC: The BC government announced that Paul Craven will lead the new Office of the Superintendent of Professional Governance, which will oversee five regulatory bodies including Engineers and Geoscientists BC.  

Contract sharing scheme in Laval: OIQ’s Disciplinary Council sentenced Laval Gagnon to be struck off OIQ’s roll for eight months and to pay an $8,000 fine after he was found guilty of violating four provisions of the Code of Ethics of Engineers for his role in a contract sharing scheme in the City of Laval.  

Regulatory review in Ontario: PEO has released the final report of an independent review of its regulatory performance. The report provides 15 recommendations for how the regulator can improve its regulatory performance. 

Fair Registration Practices Act in Alberta: The Alberta government has introduced Bill 11, the Fair Registration Practices Act, that aims to speed up the process to recognizing the credentials of foreign-trained professionals, including engineers.