The influence of engineers on public policies. McMaster’s newest engineering valedictorian. University of Waterloo researchers awarded $7.5 million. These were the most-read stories in the Daily Media Report at the end of November.
The influence of engineers on public policies. ÉTS held a panel on "Engineering at the service of society: the influence of engineers on public policies" as part of the 16th Annual Canadian Science Policy Conference (CSPC). The panelists, Senators Rosa Galvez and Suze Youance accompanied by École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS) researchers Annie Levasseur and Jérémie Voix, as well as moderator Kathy Baig, presented their point of view on the contribution of engineers to public policies, particularly through collaborative research as it is carried out at ÉTS. The panelists notably discussed the importance of basing public policies on concrete scientific evidence, and the need for science to function as a reliable and precise ally. From a regulatory perspective, the influence of engineers on codes and standards is essential in the development of municipal, provincial and national strategies to ensure the well-being of Canadians.
McMaster’s newest engineering valedictorian. Engineering Valedictorian Xiru Wang graduated Nov. 21 with a Master of Engineering degree in Systems and Technology. This is her second McMaster degree; she completed a B.Tech degree in 2022. McMaster interviewed her on her academic journey and her plans for the future.
University of Waterloo researchers awarded $7.5 million. Nine researchers at the University of Waterloo have been awarded $7.5 million in funding to support their research as part of the illustrious Canada Research Chairs (CRC) program. Three of these researchers are part of the Faculty of Engineering. Waterloo's newest CRCs represent some of Canada's top researchers in their respective disciplines. They join a large network of established Chairholders who are working across the University's six interconnected faculties to transform societies, economies, technologies, sustainability and health for humanity to thrive in our complex future.