Between September and November of 2023, the FEA project team travelled across Canada to meet with members of the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) and Canadian Engineering Qualifications Board (CEQB), regulators, and Engineering Deans Canada (EDC). The purpose of these engagements was to review draft concepts for a Full Spectrum Competency Profile (FSCP) and potential focuses for a renewed purpose of accreditation, developed by FEA’s Purpose of Accreditation and Academic Requirement for Licensure task forces earlier in the year.
If pursued, the FSCP would provide a foundation for a national academic requirement for licensure in Canada, while the renewed purpose of accreditation would clarify the function of accreditation across student, program, and regulator/licensure interests. The concepts were developed by FEA’s two volunteer task forces based on extensive prior engagement with the engineering ecosystem. Summaries of these engagements, which were held between 2022 and the first half of 2023, are available here.
About the Full Spectrum Competency Profile (FSCP)
The draft Full Spectrum Competency Profile proposes 34 competencies across eight domains that represent all competencies required of an engineer at various parts of their development— from engineering graduates to the point of licensure to experienced professional. The FSCP is discipline-agnostic, meaning it can be applied to all engineers, regardless of discipline. The FSCP enables connection between the CEAB’s Graduate Attributes to the pan-Canadian work experience competencies and can serve as the basis for establishing a national academic requirement for engineering licensure regardless of academic formation of the individual. The advantage of establishing a FSCP is that it establishes a transparent, validated knowledge requirement framework for all individuals seeking engineering licensure.
Read more about the findings from the consultations here.