The Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) held their 170th meeting on June 5th and 6th. Highlights from the meeting include:

  • Approval of an update to clauses 8 and 9 of the Interpretive statement on licensure expectations and requirements. The change provides more flexibility in curriculum design by removing accreditation barriers to integrating multiple concepts across learning activities throughout the curriculum. This change was initiated by and co-designed with Engineering Deans Canada’s Deans Liaison Committee.
  • Approval of a new definition of Engineering Design as it relates to accreditation criteria and an accompanying interpretive statement. As a next step, the CEAB will submit the criteria change to the Engineers Canada Board at their October meeting for approval.
  • A decision to accept the CEAB Task Force on Virtual Visits report with some minor changes to recommendations for clarity.  The AB will likely revisit the issue following the 2021-2022 accreditation cycle in order to make further adjustments to the Guide for the Virtual Evaluation of an Engineering Program and to consider the future of virtual visits in the accreditation system.
  • The CEAB Working Group to Respond to the Engineers Canada 30 by 30 Initiative presented its  report. The CEAB will launch consultation on the report’s recommendations later this Fall.