The National Council of Deans of Engineering and Applied Science (NCDEAS) held their fall meeting in Halifax last week, from November 12 to 14, 2015.

Kim Allen, FEC, P.Eng., Engineers Canada’s Chief Executive Officer, provided a presentation to update the NCDEAS on Engineers Canada activities. Gérard Lachiver, FIC, ing., Engineers Canada Accreditation Board chair and Wayne MacQuarrie, FEC, P.Eng., Engineers Canada Accreditation Board vice-chair, provided the group with updates regarding the board’s activities and answered questions regarding the current consultation on engineering education and accreditation. 

On Friday, November 13, meeting participants had the opportunity to visit the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21. During this event, participants took the time to mark the occasion of the Engineers Canada Accreditation Board’s 50th anniversary. One in five Canadians can trace some relationship to Pier 21.