Our September contributors offer some pre-graduation guidance to set you up for career success and positive impact post-graduation.

Pathway to Engineering connects engineering graduates with the people and knowledge to become engineers. The Insights series allows engineering students and graduates to read first-hand accounts from others on their journey to become an engineer. We're featuring the stories and experiences of people across the spectrum, whether they're seasoned engineers or recent graduates, or somewhere in between.

This September we’re featuring an article from Greg Evans, an engineering professor at the University of Toronto, and D’Andre Wilson-Ihejirika, a doctoral candidate in engineering education at the University of Toronto.

These contributors are extremely knowledgeable about the various ways students can maximize their final years at university and do more than simply excel at classes but to network, collaborate, explore, and take advantage of their scholastic years to set themselves up for success at graduation.

They provide examples of how to get involved and engaged with peers, to consider key competencies that will be useful later in life, and how to make learning a lifelong practice instead of a short chapter in your career.

Head over to Pathway to Engineering to read the full Insights article.