Results 871-880 of 1197
BC government’s professional reliance review recommends major changes to professional regulation
July 19, 2018
The Government of British Columbia recently published a report that could have a far-reaching impact on engineering and other self-regulated professions in the province.
FIRST Robotics Competition at Lassonde School of Engineering sparks innovation in more ways than one
July 19, 2018
Participants have described the FIRST Robotics Competition as “the hardest fun you’ll ever have.”
Programs in focus
July 1, 2018
On July 19, 2018, we launched a new series in the Engineers Canada newsletter, entitled Programs in focus. Each month we'll be sharing a story about an innovative project or initiative coming out of a accredited Canadian engineering education program. This series evolved out of feedback we received…
Further improvements to accreditation pages at
July 1, 2018
In May, we called for volunteers to help us assess the effectiveness of the most visited accreditation pages on the Engineers Canada website. We combined this valuable feedback with an internal review and have now identified and addressed several of the highest priority issues, with more to follow …
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Call for website review volunteers
July 1, 2018
Now that we’ve completed revisions to priority accreditation pages on the Engineers Canada website, we are once again calling for volunteers to conduct a review of the effectiveness of these changes. This review will assist us in measuring page improvements against the baseline set in the May revie…
Pride Month: EngiQueers working to improve diversity in engineering
June 28, 2018
June is Pride Month, and Engineers Canada’s commitment to improving diversity and inclusion within engineering remains a high priority. One of the key ways that Engineers Canada works to promote diversity is by connecting with and supporting like-minded groups, such as one remarkable organization …
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On International Women in Engineering Day, Engineers Canada calls for action to increase representation of women in engineering
June 20, 2018
On June 23, 2018, Engineers Canada joins individuals and organizations around the world in celebrating International Women in Engineering Day (INWED), and challenges all engineering stakeholders to take action, #RaisingTheBar to achieve 30 by 30 and increase the number of women in engineering.
Indigenous access to engineering programs providing knowledge, opportunities
June 14, 2018
For long-standing and complex reasons, Indigenous students currently represent only 1% of undergraduate engineering students in Canada. In recognition of National Indigenous Peoples Day on June 21, 2018, Engineers Canada spoke with the directors of Canada’s two Indigenous access to engineering programs, who are working to address this underrepresentation.
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Federal government Climate Lens a game-changer for Canada’s infrastructure
June 4, 2018
The Government of Canada has announced that as part of the Investing in Canada plan, new major infrastructure projects seeking federal funding will be required to undertake an assessment of how their projects will contribute to or reduce carbon pollution, and to consider climate change risks in the location, design, and planned operation of a project.
Read moreabout Federal government Climate Lens a game-changer for Canada’s infrastructure
CEEA-ACEG 2018 an opportunity to share information, contribute to student success
June 1, 2018
Delegates from across Canada recently gathered at the University of British Columbia for the Canadian Engineering Education Association’s (CEEA-ACEG) 2018 conference, which was held from June 3 to 6, 2018. The conference theme was “Building Foundations for Student Success,” whi…
Read moreabout CEEA-ACEG 2018 an opportunity to share information, contribute to student success