The Task Force on the Definition of Engineering Design continues to work on updating its recommendations to the CEAB in light of the feedback that was received during the consultation period (October 1- December 4, 2020). For a summary of the consultation process, please visit our website.
Thank you to everyone for their participation in the process. The following themes were reflected in the 43 pieces of feedback feedback that was received:
- The need to recognize the differences each engineering discipline has for what could be considered design.
- A desire to acknowledge the diversity of society and cultural in the conception of engineering design.
- The Accreditation Units (AUs) for engineering design are a concern for stakeholders, particularly with any proposed change in how engineering design would be defined.
- Stakeholders expressed a concern related to how visiting team members will assess engineering design within the context of the new definition.
- Creativity is a contentious concept in engineering design; some disciplines view it as critical while others find it an inappropriate inclusion in the proposed definition.
The Task Force’s final report will be submitted to the CEAB for consideration at the June 5-6 meeting where a final decision is expected to be made.