Engineers Canada has submitted comments and recommendations to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security on “Bill C-26, an Act respecting cyber security, amending the Telecommunications Act and making consequential amendments to other Acts.”
The government is seeking to strengthen cybersecurity through the proposed changes included in the bill, which consist of two parts. The first focuses on amending the Telecommunications Act to prioritize the security of the Canadian telecommunications system, while the second introduces the Critical Cyber Systems Protection Act to safeguard critical cyber systems vital to national security and public safety. By implementing these legislative changes, the federal government aims to enhance the security and resilience of the Canadian telecommunications system and critical cyber systems.
Engineers possess expertise that makes them uniquely qualified to contribute to the design, implementation, and maintenance of cybersecurity measures. Their specialized knowledge, systems thinking approach, ethical accountability, adherence to rigorous standards, and commitment to continuous professional development greatly benefit cybersecurity initiatives.
Recognizing the important role that engineers play in cybersecurity, and as the only national voice of the engineering profession, Engineers Canada submitted two recommended amendments to the Telecommunications Act that seek to include professional engineers as qualified inspectors under the Act. Including professional engineers as qualified individuals who can be appointed as inspectors to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Act acknowledges and leverages the technical knowledge and skills that engineers possess. This recognition of engineers’ specialized expertise enhances the effectiveness of enforcement mechanisms and will reinforce the objective of upholding compliance with the Act.
Read Engineers Canada’s full submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Bill C-26.