Engineers Canada has partnered with Engineering Deans Canada and the Corporation of the Seven Wardens to present National Engineering Month 2025: Engineers Open Doors. 

“Engineers open doors to new possibilities and new futures,” says Philip Rizcallah, Chief Executive Officer of Engineers Canada. “They drive innovation and progress, taking what’s come before them and making it better. Engineers bring people together and they inspire. And this March, engineers are inviting you in.” 

National Engineering Month will see dozens of doors open and other types of events at higher education institutions, engineering companies, and industry organizations. These events are a great opportunity to discover first-hand the difference that engineers make in their communities. 

National Engineering Month is an annual celebration of the heart and soul of engineers—their passion, commitment, and action toward making the world a better place.  

“Engineers shape the future by solving complex challenges and driving progress in every aspect of our lives,” says Mary Wells , Chair of Engineering Deans Canada. “National Engineering Month is an opportunity to showcase how engineering education equips students with the skills and vision to open doors—both for themselves and for the communities they serve. We’re proud to partner with Engineers Canada to inspire the next generation of engineers.” 

A milestone year for engineering: 100 years of the iron ring 

“The National Engineering Month 2025 celebrations are all the more special with this year being the centennial of the Calling of an Engineer ceremony and the iron ring,” says Leonard Shara, Chief Warden of the Corporation of the Seven Wardens. “The Corporation of the Seven Wardens are happy to partner with Engineers Canada and Engineering Deans Canada to celebrate engineers’ passion for serving the public with integrity and ethics, qualities embodied by the enduring symbol of the iron ring.”

On April 25, 1925, the first iron rings were handed out to six engineering graduates in Montreal, QC. One hundred years later to the day, engineering graduates in Montreal will receive their iron rings and participate in a newly modernized and revised Calling of an Engineer, also known as the Obligation Ceremony.  

As momentum builds towards the April 25th ceremony and we celebrate National Engineering Month, join Engineers Canada on March 3 for a virtual conversation about the history, significance, and future of the this newly revised Obligation Ceremony. Moderated by Adrian Harewood, the 90-minute event will feature panellists Dharminderpal (Pal) Mann, Chief Executive Officer and Registrar, Engineers Nova Scotia; Leonard Shara, MBA, Eng., Chief Warden, Corporation of the Seven Wardens; and Mary Wells, PhD, P.Eng., Dean, Faculty of Engineering, University of Waterloo. Welcoming remarks will be provided by Jeanette Southwood, FCAE, FEC, LL.D. (honoris causa), P.Eng., Engineers Canada’s Executive Vice President, Corporate Affairs and Strategic Partnerships. Philip Rizcallah, P.Eng., Engineers Canada’s CEO will provide the closing. There’s still space – register today to secure your spot for this important conversation. 

Join the celebrations  

As we mark this milestone year, join Canada’s largest celebration of engineering this March:  

  • Check out the national event calendar for events happening near you.  
  • Or consider hosting an engineering event! Events during National Engineering Month are a great way to showcase the work of your engineers or engineering students to your community. If you’re a higher education institution, engineering company, or industry organization hosting a doors open event during National Engineering Month, submit it to the national calendar by filling out this form.   
  • Register for the National Engineering Month kick-off event, The Iron Ring at 100: A New Era for the Calling of an Engineer.   
  • Take to social media! Consider shining a light on the engineering profession by featuring you and your company’s engineering work and engineers. Be sure to tag your posts with the #NEM2025 hashtag.