Accreditation visits scheduled during the 2025-2026 visit cycle are evaluated under the 2024 Accreditation Criteria and Procedures.
General resources
Resources for higher education institutions
The following documents are for higher education institutions preparing for the 2025-2026 accreditation cycle.
- Questionnaire and Exhibit 1 for 2025-2026 (for reference only; submission will be made through Tandem)
- Sample Visit Schedule
- Request for Accreditation Form
Resources for visiting team members
The following documents are for members of the visiting team as they prepare for and conduct their site visits. HEIs are welcome to review the resources to get a better picture of the tools the CEAB visiting team uses.
- Visiting Team Report Template
- Graduate Attributes and Continual Improvement rubrics
- Example interview questions for accreditation visits
- Sample team chair presentation (coming summer 2025!)
Information session for programs hosting 2025/2026 accreditation visits
This session covers high-level visit information, including procedures, Tandem, recent changes to criteria, and other topics. Visiting team chairs and program officials are encouraged to arrange a time to discuss their specific visit at a mutually convenient time.
For more information
For more information, contact the accreditation team at