Ask anyone in the engineering student body at the University of Calgary to describe Annemarie Summers and their response would likely be, “she’s the firecracker involved in everything.”
She is among the first cohort of the Bioengineering Summer Institute, an award-winning program designed to facilitate access to engineering education for underrepresented groups, and has enthusiastically embraced all the learning opportunities offered by the Schulich School of Engineering.
Summers has been an active student leader seeking to foster greater student engagement as Vice President, Communications, of the Mechanical Engineering Student Society.
She has been involved in many equity, diversity, and inclusion initiatives on campus, including participating in a Women in Engineering panel, and volunteering for both Women in Engineering Day and a Girl Guides STEM Career Day.
Shortly after the pandemic began, Summers founded Math and More Education, a private tutoring business focused on the areas of STEM, coding, and learning CAD design. She uses the opportunity to inspire as many young students as she can, seeing herself in many of them as they strive to achieve their goals.
Summers believes community engagement is crucial to inspiring the next generation of engineers whether it be through public speaking, reaching over 25,000 people with an interview on the @ironringgirls podcast, or through Math and More Education.
She was recently chosen by the Canadian Engineering Memorial Foundation as one of their ambassadors, which facilitated a trip to Indonesia where she volunteered at the Chloe Orphanage, an experience that allowed her to gain valuable intercultural experience.
Annemarie Summers’ desire to lead as a woman engineer and to act as a role model as she enters the profession stems from her belief that “if she can see her, she can be her.”
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