The 30 by 30 conference is a gathering of 30 by 30 champions and leaders within the engineering profession who are actively working to address gender equity.
The 30 by 30 initiative was adopted by Engineers Canada in 2014, with the goal of increasing the proportion of newly licensed female-identifying engineers to 30 per cent by the year 2030. A great deal of collective effort is needed across the engineering profession to reach the 30 by 30 goal. Regulators, employers, post-secondary institutions, and engineering leaders need to acknowledge the issue and work together to address the culture of exclusion and improve the recruitment and retention of women in engineering.
In order to champion an equitable, diverse, inclusive, and trustworthy engineering profession, Engineers Canada hosts a national annual conference with the following objectives:
- Present best practices from regulators, post-secondary institutions, and employers that address the barriers women face when entering and remaining in the profession.
- Raise awareness of how cultural and systemic barriers can be addressed by regulators and engineering leaders to affect change in engineering culture, including addressing discrimination, harassment, micro-aggressions, and lack of opportunities.
- Support increased acknowledgement from engineering leaders of the issue and foster a commitment to breaking the cycle of exclusion.
Learn more about this year’s conference, and access resources and recordings from past conferences: