“Be mindful of the knowledge you gain, the skills you obtain, and the people that surround you, for they may play a critical role in your path down the line.”
Les Russell has provided legendary service to the profession over a career spanning many decades. With a keen interest in mechanical engineering, he taught at Nova Scotia Technical College (NSTC) and later became Head of mechanical engineering. A long-term member of various provincial, national, and international boards and committees, Russell has been integral in the evolution of engineering in Canada. He is a long-serving contributor to Engineers Nova Scotia, where he has served in many roles, including President, Chair of the Engineers Nova Scotia Board of Examiners, Complaints Committee, and Lieutenant Governor’s Award Jury Panel. In addition, he has contributed nationally as a member of several Engineers Canada committees, including as Chair of the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board and a body previously known as the Canadian Engineering International Board.
Throughout his career, Russell has exemplified outstanding service and commitment to the engineering profession and its community. In addition to his volunteer work, he has contributed his engineering expertise as a consulting engineering in the legal community and has been involved with over 400 design and investigative assignments, resulting in either journal publications or expert witness reports for courts across Canada. His remarkable achievements and efforts have been recognized by the J. D. Fraser Service Award, the Engineering Award, Honorary Life Membership Award, and the F.H. Sexton Gold Medal Award from Engineers Nova Scotia, Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee Medal and as a Fellow of Engineers Canada.
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