“Today, engineers are increasingly involved in a variety of fields. This comes as a result of the expansive skillsets learned in their engineering education which open up a breadth of opportunities and give them confidence to deploy their skills almost anywhere.”
William Cluett is a renowned engineering educator, engaging and inspiring students through innovative courses, teaching, and extensive mentorship. He is a Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry and is currently serving as the Director of the Division of Engineering Science at the University of Toronto. He has committed the last 35 years to various leadership roles at the University. He pursued a career in engineering due to his aptitude for science and math, and later followed another passion: teaching.
As an educator in the classroom, Cluett has pioneered innovative techniques for decades, including active learning and computer-based simulation. He is an advocate of hands-on learning and is proud of how his commitment to engaging with students – such as leading his own tutorials – has led to better learning outcomes. Outside the classroom, Cluett initiated the Da Vinci Engineering Enrichment Program (DEEP) – an outreach program designed for highly motivated high school students with interests in math and science. Cluett was also instrumental in launching Engineering, Strategies and Practice, an introductory first year course that integrates the design process, project management, and communications. Cluett is also a pioneer in engineering curriculum, including a new major in Engineering Mathematics, Statistics, and Finance for students in the Engineering Science program. He has implemented many changes that will leave a lasting impact on engineering education and student learning experiences for years to come. His teaching has been recognized with several awards, including the President‘s Teaching Award and the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) Teaching Award.
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